destiny cards
When you order your personalized Book of Destiny Report/Card Reading from Mr. Stetson, you will receive a reading that is custom tailored for you based upon your birthday and current age. Mr. Stetson carefully arranges the playing cards using ancient mystical sciences. Mr. Stetson recommends that you read your Book of Destiny Report after you have taken time to relax and open your mind. He recommends that you be fully present during the reading of your report. You must focus upon the report with a positive and reflective mind. Mindfulness is a key element in understanding your report and allowing the information to flow to you.
Take a few moments before reading the report to reflect upon the thoughtful effort and positive energy that has been put into the report by Mr. Stetson as he arranged the cards in a pattern dictated by your personal information. Do not read the report while you are under stress or anxious from a difficult day. You will absorb more positive energy if you allow yourself to relax and feel in touch with the positive energy in the world around you. As you read the report, remember that the report is for entertainment purposes only, and is not and should not be used as a substitute for any medical professional treatment, therapy or counseling you may require in connection with your physical mental, emotional or spiritual health and well-being. Any guidance provided in the Book of Destiny Report with respect to your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health and well-being is not and should not be considered to be medical advice. Mr. Stetson is not responsible or liable for the results, guidance, reassurance or validation given to you in the report and that your are solely responsible for seeking any medical, financial, legal or other professional advice you consider necessary as a consequence of any guidance given to you in your personal Book of Destiny Report.